Culture and leisure
The collections of libraries in Eura include books, e-books, e-audiobooks, magazines and newspapers, e-magazines, music, films, sports equipment and games. Up-to-date opening hours of libraries in Eura are always available online at (choose English in the upper right corner). You can select your local library in the dropdown menu under the heading ‘opening hours’. To use self-service libraries, you need a library card and a four-digit PIN code.
The library card and reservation of materials are free of charge. However, a fee of €1 will be charged per an uncollected reservation. The overdue fee for adult items is €0.25/day/loan (max. €7 per loan). Overdue fees will be collected immediately after the expiry of the loan period (due date). You can renew your loan and reserve items by telephoning the main library or any Satakirjastot library, logging in to your customer details on the website or sending email to us at The library and information services in Eura provide customers with support in using digital services.
The Satakirjastot joint library system offers library customers the collections of all libraries in the region instead of the collection of one library. Loans can be returned to any library included in the system. The online catalogue database of Satakirjastot makes the collections of all libraries in 17 municipalities and information on their availability accessible in one go. Customers can place a regional reservation for the desired material and order the item through the system to the library of choice.
Eura main library
Library and information services
+358 44 422 4833
Satakunnankatu 33 Eura
One way to contact us is a WhatsApp message. You can reach us by telephone on weekdays, as a rule on Mon–Tue at 8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m., Wed–Fri at 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
The self-service area in the main library comprises the lobby and the magazine reading room.
Hinnerjoki self-service library
+358 44 422 4833
Rinnomäentie 7 Hinnerjoki
Honkilahti self-service library
+358 44 422 4833
Koskenkylänraitti 21 A Honkilahti
Kiukainen self-service library
+358 44 422 4833
Kunnankuja 3 Kiukainen
Panelia self-service library
+358 44 422 4833
Mäkiläntie 1 Panelia

Cultural services
Eura cultural services organise a wide range of occasions, events and exhibitions for audiences of all ages all year round. All future events are listed in the event calendar
Cultural services’ contact information
Maija Kaunela
Cultural Producer
Cultural Services
+358 44 422 4828
Sorkkistentie 10 Eura
Information Centre of Prehistory and local heritage archive

Sports Services
The municipal Sports Services organise sports activities and events and provide preconditions for sports and exercise activities in Eura. The aim of Sports Services is to promote the operations of parties that arrange exercise opportunities. The Sports Services office is situated at Euran Urheilutalo sports hall (Eurantie 33), a key indoor sports facility in the centre of Eura, that offers facililites for swimming, bowling, ball games, wrestling, dance in a hall with mirrors or gym training. Various instructed physical exercise options are organised for people of different ages at different levels.
Vesa Nuija
Sports Manager
Sports Services
Eurantie 33 EuraChief Executive Officer of Euran uima- ja urheiluhalli Oy
Pia Malja
Sports Secretary
Sports Services
+358 44 422 4845
Eurantie 33 Eura
Indoor sports facilities
Euran Urheilutalo sports hall
Eurantie 33, 27510 Eura
tel. +358 44 422 4995 (in Finnish only)
Indoor swimming pool, gym, hall with mirrors, hall for ball games, wrestling gym, bowling alley, sauna by reservation, café

Kiukaisten kuntosali gym, Opintie 3, Kiukainen
Outdoor sports facilities
Eura offers a wide range of outdoor sports opportunities all year round. In summer, there are hiking trails, sports fields and beaches, in winter, ski tracks and ice fields. Lakeside saunas are heated all year. For opening hours and fees, please contact the contact person.
Sports Centre / Nummentie 28, 27510 Eura
Kirkkotie 9, Hinnerjoki
Kiukainen sports field, Urheilukentäntie Kiukainen
Panelia sports field, Asemantie Panelia
Kauttua playing field, Maasillantie Kauttua / sandy field for football and baseball
Kiperi disc golf course, Kiperintie 83
Ruukinpuisto tennis courts
Contact information:
Anne Saarenvalta
Community Development Manager
Technical Services
+358 44 422 4955
Youth Services
Eura Youth Services organises activities for young people under the age of 29. Youth Services arrange, for example, evening activities in the youth center for juniors and adolescents, various events and outings, summer activities and outreach youth work. Youth workers help young people by providing guidance for example with studies, career choices, finding employment or life plans in general.
Sataopisto Community College
Sataopisto Community College is a state-supported educational institution owned by the City of Huittinen, operating in Huittinen, Eura, Harjavalta and Punkalaidun. The course portfolio, for studies and hobbies, includes languages, various types of art, handicrafts, music, sports and exercise, and information technology. Every year, the college offers approximately 500 courses and lectures on various subjects. The courses are intended for everyone and students of all ages.
For children, we provide basic education in the arts, in visual arts and crafts, based on the national and municipal curriculum.
Sataopisto Community College Eura offce
Kännöntie 9
27510 EURA
Jenni Silvanto
Sataopisto Community College
+358 44 422 4861
Training Coordinator