Day care and education
In Finland, all children are entitled to early childhood education in day care, and education is compulsory in the ages 7–18. Early childhood education comprises day care, subject to a charge, and pre-school education free of charge, for children aged 0–6. An application for a place in early childhood education should be submitted well in advance, but in urgent cases, no later than two weeks before the child needs the place. The monthly fee is determined on the basis of the family’s income. Under Finnish law, all children must attend pre-school education for one year before the start of compulsory education. Pre-school education usually begins at the age of 6 and basic education at the age of 7. In Eura, pre-school education under the Basic Education Act is provided free of charge both in day care centres and pre-primary education units in connection with schools. The application period for places in pre-school education begins usually in February.
Contact information for day care and early childhood education administration:
Arja Lehtonen, Service Manager
Early childhood education
Telephone service hours: Mon-Thu 10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m.
tel. +358 44 422 4470
Sorkkistentie 10 Eura
Eero Rantanen, Head of Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education
+358 44 422 4471
Sorkkistentie 10