Housing and environment
In Eura, rental housing is provided for example by Kiinteistö Oy Kauttuanpuisto, a rental housing company owned by the municipality of Eura that provides high-quality rental housing to meet the needs of various situations in life. Of the total of 613 rented apartments in Eura, 193 are directly owned by the municipality and the rest are owned by the rental housing company. The apartments are of various sizes and situated in apartment buildings and terraced houses. Housing applications are accepted on a continuous basis. The application remains valid for 3 months and it can be renewed by e-mail or telephone. Once the application has been processed, the housing coordinator will contact the applicant. Information on vacant apartments for rent is available at http://vuokra-asunnot.eura.fi/asunnot (in Finnish only). You can also contact the designated contact person directly.

Pirjo Tervo, Housing Coordinator
Tel. +358 44 4224 997
Housing company Euran Vuokrakodit Oy
Satakunnankatu 12
A map of Eura is available at https://eura.karttatiimi.fi/
Building sites are available both in central Eura and Kauttua and other local centres. Enquiries about available building sites for private residences or industrial buildings are welcome to the contact person. Map of available building sites: https://eura.karttatiimi.fi/?setlanguage=fi&e=22508552&n=6779023&r=8&w=*&l=opaskartat%2Ckohteet%3A%2F22%2F*%2F24%2F&o=100%2C100
Ari Jyräkoski
Technical Director
Management group
Technical Services
+358 44 422 4870
https://www.eurantontit.fi/ (in Finnish only)
Eura small animal clinic
Sorkkistentie 30, 27510 Eura
Municipal veterinarian Päivi Kariaho, tel. +358 44 7307 403 (Telephone service hours Mon–Fri 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m.)
The clinic accepts patients by appointment only.