Day care and education

Comprehensive schools

Euran lukio upper secondary school

Jobs and enterprise

Culture and leisure

Housing and environment

Municipality and administration

Tourism and events

Social and health services


Eura is a municipality with a population of 11,600 located in the southern part of the Satakunta region.  The municipality itself was established in 1866, but the history of the area reaches even further back; Eura is known for its exceptionally rich prehistory and Kauttua is one of the most notable sites in the industrial history of Finland.  You can learn all about Eura’s prehistoric days at the Naurava Lohikäärme Information Centre of Prehistory, which is the first of its kind in Finland. On the grounds of the Ruukinpuisto ironworks, you can find many buildings designed by the architect Alvar Aalto, the unique terrace house being the most famous one.

In terms of area, the municipality of Eura is large: about 630 square kilometres. In 1970, the municipalities of Hinnerjoki and Honkilahti were merged with Eura, and the municipality of Kiukainen followed in 2009.  The Eura church village and Kauttua form the centre of the municipality.

Eura is the commercial centre of its region.  We are one of the most industrialised municipalities in Finland, with many industry-adjacent companies operating in the area.  The companies have a high quality grade, with food production and logistics being our specialties. Some famous companies from Eura include Biolan, Pintos, Jujo Thermal, Auramaa, Koskinen Group, ETG Group, ETS-Lindgren, LMG Finland, Eupart, Jaakko-Tuote, Tammiston Puu, Vesi-Lammela, Mykora, Rakennustyöt Ville Kauppi and Terästyö T. Salminen.

We offer versatile opportunities for hobbies, with over 270 organisations operating in Eura. Many sports clubs have helped their members reach the international top levels; some examples include karateka Titta Keinänen, basketball player Elias Valtonen, football players Aada Nurmi and Jutta Rantala, canoer Tanja Jantunen, ice hockey player Eveliina Suonpää and weight lifter Anni Vuohijoki.  Basic education in the arts is available for both visual arts and music. 

Euran Pirtti, a building designed by artist Jalmari Karhula and a work of art in its own right, is an important part of Eura’s cultural landscape. The local delicacy euranrinkilä is the first traditional pastry to be accepted into the Finnish National Inventory of Living Heritage. While the art of preparing them is mainly practised by the historical society, they are happy to pass the skill on.  Local artists’ homes, such as Hamm’in talo, Soveron taidetalo and Tuiska, are all interesting cultural sites worth visiting.

Eura’s nature provides many opportunities for recreational activities. Of particular note are Pyhäjärvi, the largest lake in Northwestern Finland, and Koskeljärvi, which is an excellent spot for birdwatching. The local Pyhäjärvi Institute promotes and develops education, research and other development activities concerning food economy and environment. Its special areas of interest include food economy as well as the conservation and restoration of water bodies.

Living in Eura

Eura’s strengths are its location, jobs and services. The municipal centre, the industrial Kauttua and strong villages all come together to ensure a good quality of life in Eura. Our versatile selection of housing solutions for people in all stages of life and the close proximity to nature make our municipality a safe and pleasant place for long-term (or lifelong) residence. I’m happy to welcome everyone who is interested in our municipality to this EuraPlus website and I hope we are able to help you with all your Eura-related concerns. Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions you may have.

Best regards,

Kari Kankaanranta, Municipal Manager