Tourism and events
Eura is one of the most prominent sites in Finland in terms of prehistory. The exceptionally rich Viking Age relics and their university-level research have made Eura well-known worldwide. Dozens of prehistoric findings from Eura have been chosen as motifs for Kalevala jewelry. In events organised in Eura’s very own Viking village, Härkänummi, Vikings of Eura meet modern people.
Kauttua in Eura is known as a traditional industrial ironworks site and a pioneer of the industrial age in Finland. Many sites and buildings of historical importance are situated on the grounds of the Ruukinpuisto ironworks, including the unique Terraced House, one of the masterpieces by the architect Alvar Aalto in Kauttua.
Any enquiries about tourism and events are welcomed by the municipality’s Cultural Producer.
Maija Kaunela
Cultural Producer
Cultural Services
+358 44 422 4828
Sorkkistentie 10 Eura
Information Centre of Prehistory and local heritage archive
Event calendar (in Finnish only)
Information Centre of Prehistory
Eurantie 18, 27510 Eura
esihistoria(at), tel. +358 44 422 4826.
Alvar Aalto’s Terraced House
Cultural Services
+358 44 422 4828
Alvar Aallon tie 4, apartment 3, Eura

Know Your Hoods local guide:
The Captivating houses of Kauttua -route guide: